Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What a day

Today has been my first really tough day. The sessions after lunch were a challenge for me. The presenter was not the most interesting one we have had and left me wondering how to complete my assignment. Then I was on the way to the mailbox, when I saw a young mother with her little toddler playing in the leaves. For the first time I missed my grandson extremely. It really got to me this afternoon. When I got to the mailbox I just prayed God let there be mail today, because my spirit really needed a lift. Prayer was answered, there was a short note from a saintly couple from Ridgecrest, and I really needed that in such a bad way. Just that simple little note was used in a mighty way to lift my spirits and lift me up out of the valley. God is so good. Thank you so much for your prayers.

1 comment:

Arnold Austin Jr said...

We know about missing people. Because we relate to this, we know just how to pray. Hope that this note adds to the blessings as we are sad with you.

If it'll help, you can have all three of ours ANY 'OL DAY when you get to Lima. They're a little older, but hey...just trying to lighten the mood. We love you guys and consider you family.