Friday, November 16, 2007

Halfway to Lima

It has been a wonderful week in Richmond, with the wind (cold wind) blowing the leaves. I love this time of year and I am really enjoying it. But 4 weeks with no football leaves me suffering withdrawls. We had great sessions this week covering church planting movements, and multiplying churches. Our house church worship has been wonderful and I am learning a lot from the college students in our group. They are really sharp and a precious group. The week was topped off with a trip, with 35 others, to the Rankin's house for ice cream. It was great to get to spend a little time with him is a very casual setting. Afterwards we went to the Grape Leaf, for authentic Lebanese food. It was great, and a new experience for me.

We found out today that the Peruvian Consulate is closed next Friday, so we have to return to Washington D.C. on November 30, to have our passports stamped. We have to drive an hour and catch the metro into Union Station. We do get to skip a day of class. Today was shot day again. But only two shots and TB test for met today. It was a breeze today. I never thought I would be saying that about getting a shot. Yes, just one more day to go. Thanks for the emails, cards, and comments, they mean so much to us. We have such wonderful friends and prayer partners.

Alan and Sandy Stone


Arnold Austin Jr said...

ooohhh shot day...bad memory. Get out of there and down here as soon as you can !!!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I have been praying for you as have been the girls.
Wanted to let you know that God answered prayers with Hayden's surgery. We thought he was going to be in a body cast, but God took care of that and he is only in short leg casts!!! He is already able to sit in ways he has never been able to!!! He can't bear weight for 6 weeks but that is only a minor detail. He also has been in virtually no pain (another God thing!)We can't wait to see how he is going to walk. Miss you guys.
Praising God,
The Nelsons