What a great time we had last weekend in Chosica. We met 60 students and adults there for our summer missions orientation. It was a great time of fellowship, prayer, worship, and information on ministering and living in an Andean village. The orientation was at our Baptist Camp in Chosica which is outside of Lima. It is in a beautiful setting with rocky mountains a river. I got off to a ruff start as I missed my turn in very heavy traffic off of Javier Prado. I had to go a little out of the way to turn back, but we made it. I am getting better at negotiating the Lima traffic.
Rick Shepard taught a study on the Tabernacle and our team led in worship and other presentations. I was responsible for introductions and going over the schedule and Sandy helped present a segment on culture shock.
On Friday the team helped prepare a thanksgiving feast for the students and it took us all day, but it was worth it. Baked three turkeys, pans of dressing, cranberry fluff and sauce, homemade rolls, green beans, sweet potato casserol, and many deserts. Everyone had plenty to eat. It was also good Sunday evening for supper.
We are still in language study and it is progressing well, finally. It has been tough but seems to finally coming together. I found out today that I will begin traveling a lot beginning in July, and will be very busy. We had a small tremor on Saturday, shook the windows but that was about all.
I had to wire a light over our table the other day. That was an interesting experience. The wiring here is not like the wiring at home. Of course it is 240 and they don't use wire nuts, just tape hot wires off. You have no idea what feeds what, and I don't have my meter with me, so it was trial and error. Wow errors create a lot of sparks when you cross two hot 240 wires. But I finally figured it out, and the light works great. We can actually see what we are eating now.
Got to finish some Spanish studying. Miss everyone and look forward to seeing you again.
Gomen kudasai.
christmas will be here before you know it!
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